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Handling the very worst IBD


                 I’d come across the work of Lyrae Willis some years

                 ago on an internet forum. She’s a scientist – but also a

                 life-long suyerer of the worst version of irritable

                 bowel disease I’d ever heard of.

                 I always believed I had it bad. I mean, mine’s bad

                 enough that doctors say they can’t treat it. Yet Lyrae

                 had next-level awful IBD.

                 In chronic pain, malnourished to the point of semi-

                 starvation (I mean, her ribs were showing…) – and

                 either sensitive or allergic to just about anything the

                 doctors gave her – she’d been told her next step –

                 her only step – was a colostomy.

                 That is, remove part of the colon, cut a hole in her

                 stomach and feed the poop out of her body to a bag

                 strapped to her side.

                 IBD is never nice. But Lyrae’s IBD was so severe she

                 couldn’t even take the immunosuppressive drugs

                 doctors thought might reduce her symptoms.

                 So relied totally on diet and stress relief to handle her

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