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body can’t |x the IBD problem while we’re
unknowingly making it worse.
If I hadn’t identi|ed my own speci|c food triggers I’d
still have IBD – and I’d have it for life.
2. A compromised gut microbiome
Your gut microbiome is the community of helpful,
essential bacteria that live in our guts. Those helpful
fellows produce vital hormones, they turn certain
foods into the vitamins our bodies rely on. They
regulate our immune system, metabolism and other
body and brain processes. They don’t just keep us
healthy, they keep us alive.
They’re also delicate and they can be destroyed by
not enough of the right food, too much of the wrong
food – and the western world’s biggest killer: stress.
Doctors are |nally catching up with 20 years of
scienti|c research that shows that, if you’re ill, it’s
likely that your compromised gut microbiome is part
of the cause.
In fact, multiple studies have con|rmed that people
with IBD have a signi|cantly diyerent gut microbiome
than healthy people. Restoring and renewing our gut