Page 14 - Overcoming IBD™ BOOK Lyrae Willis PDF FREE Download
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Which in turn means even mild, background stress
either contributes to or directly causes a }are-up of
No matter how well you handle your food sensitivities
and intolerances… if there’s a level of ongoing stress
in the background your gut will be constantly
provoked and activated. Which means the chances of
ever getting well are slim to none.
Your irritable bowel disease -
So we need to handle all of the above. It sounds like
a lot but it turns out to be remarkably
Lyrae’s 30 years of working with IBD – and helping
hundreds of suyerers become ex-suyerers – has
produced a tried and tested method for treating our
own illness, at home, without drugs or medications.
The results of her work mean people like me and you
can go years without so much as stomach gas. Let
alone the rest of what comes with the illness.
Here’s how she does it.